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This class is a mapping of names to the General MIDI standard percussion instrument id. See General MIDI Instruments for the General MIDI instrument mapping.

public enum GeneralMidiPercussion {
    BASS_DRUM_2(35, "bass2"),
    BASS_DRUM_1(36, "bass", "bass1"),
    RIMSHOT(37, "sideStick", "rim"),
    SNARE_DRUM_1(38, "snare", "snare1"),
    HAND_CLAP(39, "clap"),
    SNARE_DRUM_2(40, "snare2"),
    LOW_TOM_2(41, "ltom2"),
    CLOSED_HI_HAT(42, "cHat", "closedHat", "clHat"),
    LOW_TOM_1(43, "ltom", "ltom1"),
    PEDAL_HI_HAT(44, "pHat", "pedalHat"),
    MID_TOM_2(45, "mtom2"),
    OPEN_HI_HAT(46, "oHat", "openHat"),
    MID_TOM_1(47, "mtom", "mtom1"),
    HIGH_TOM_2(48, "htom2"),
    CRASH_CYMBAL_1(49, "crash", "crash1"),
    HIGH_TOM_1(50, "htom", "htom1"),
    RIDE_CYMBAL_1(51, "ride", "ride1"),
    CHINESE_CYMBAL(52, "trash"),
    SPLASH_CYMBAL(55, "splash"),
    CRASH_CYMBAL_2(57, "crash2"),
    VIBRA_SLAP(58, "vibra"),
    RIDE_CYMBAL_2(59, "ride2"),
    HIGH_BONGO(60, "hbongo"),
    LOW_BONGO(61, "lbongo"),
    MUTE_HIGH_CONGA(62, "mhconga", "mutehconga"),
    OPEN_HIGH_CONGA(63, "hconga", "openhconga"),
    LOW_CONGA(64, "lconga"),
    HIGH_TIMBALE(65, "htim"),
    LOW_TIMBALE(66, "ltim"),
    HIGH_AGOGO(67, "hAgogo"),
    LOW_AGOGO(68, "lAgogo"),
    SHORT_WHISTLE(71, "sWhistle"),
    LONG_WHISTLE(72, "lWhistle"),
    SHORT_GUIRO(73, "sGuiro"),
    LONG_GUIRO(74, "lGuiro"),
    CLAVES(75, "sticks"),
    HIGH_WOOD_BLOCK(76, "hWoodBlock", "hBlock"),
    LOW_WOOD_BLOCK(77, "lWoodBlock", "lBlock"),
    MUTE_CUICA(78, "mCucia"),
    OPEN_CUICA(79, "oCucia"),
    MUTE_TRIANGLE(80, "mTriangle", "mTri"),
    OPEN_TRIANGLE(81, "oTriangle", "oTri", "triangle", "tri");

The only data that the percussion instrument needs is it’s midi number. The other information passed into the constructor is meta data so the instance can register itself in the lookup table.

    private int midiNum;

    GeneralMidiPercussion(int midiNum, String... lookupKeys) {
        this.midiNum = midiNum;
        registerLookup(this, lookupKeys);

    public int midiNum() {
        return midiNum;

In MIDI the percussion sounds are simply notes that are played on a designated channel. In GM1 this channel is channel 10 (index 9). When you play the note 35 for example you will hear the bass2 sound. Therefor to easily build percussion into the compiler’s infrastructure we can convert the drum name to a pitch and treat it like all other sounds.

    public Pitch getAsPitch() {
        return Pitch.getPitch(midiNum);

    public String toString() {
        return name() + ":" + midiNum;

The name lookup is an important service of this class. We will map all of the various names to its respectful percussion sound.

    private static Map<String, GeneralMidiPercussion> lookupByName;

    private static void registerLookup(GeneralMidiPercussion instrument, String... lookupKeys) {
        if (lookupByName == null) lookupByName = new HashMap<>();

Add the instrument name (excluding underscores _) as a key to the instrument

        lookupByName.put("_", ""), instrument);

Add all of the specified keys as keys to the instrument

        for (String key : lookupKeys) {
            lookupByName.put(key.toLowerCase(), instrument);

Lookup a GeneralMidiPercussion instrument by name. This lookup is case insensitive and ignores underscores (_) and spaces.

    public static GeneralMidiPercussion lookup(String key) {
        return lookupByName.get(key.toLowerCase().replace("_", "").replace(" ", ""));